Check this page often! We list all our upcoming events with a brief description, and you are invited to join us for church services and any/all events hosted by St. Boniface Church. We are a friendly group and our welcoming doors are always open to company and friends alike. Texas Hill Country hospitality is famous and St. B in Comfort tops the list in Friendly--Y'all come!
Coming up @ st. b
march 4 pancake supper in the park
5pm - 7pm
Join us on March 4 for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. This event offers entertainment by Andy Garcia, pancakes and sausage dinner, and families and friends sitting down together to catch up or make new friends. There is no charge for this community offering. Come with friends and families!
(Donations are always gratefully appreciated.)
3rd friday ladies Lunch
This is a fun event each third Friday for all the ladies of the church and other ladies they may want to invite. We meet at High's Cafe in Comfort for lunch at 11:30 a.m. The beauty of this group is that we have no agenda, no book, no meeting. You just come and enjoy. Bring a friend. Everyone pays their own way; stay as long as the fun lasts.
travelers and bikers welcome!
We love welcoming visitors and connecting with people moving through the Texas Hill Country for whatever reason. Comfort is a beautiful, quaint town with great wineries, a distillery and a brewery, boutiques, and antique stores. It offers good food and a welcoming atmosphere. If you are inclined to spend a Sunday morning in worship, please come see us. Check the Comfort Chamber of Commerce website for upcoming events. Worship is at 11am in the church.