miracle meals

Meals for those in our community

St. Boniface and other community friends are invited to provide meals for those who are recuperating from illness. Stay tuned to this page for updates and food lists/restrictions.

Why is this Miracle Meals? Because as we pray asking God to heal, we expect miracles. We are instructed to "pray without ceasing" so please check in here often and on our Prayer Room page to add to the prayers of the saints.

All foods can be brought to the church (Tuesday - Thursday) and placed in the freezer. Be sure to lable foods clearly with cooking instructions and who they are from in case of questions.

What can I offer?

Appropriate items to contribute to our meal offerings would be frozen breads, casseroles that are easily digestible--not too spicy.

Meals delivered to the church should have name of the dish, cooking directions on the outside, and who is furninshing the meal.

Please do not bring salads or refrigerated perishables unless the meal is to be delivered within a couple of days.

Thanks for your participation in the well-being of our community!