We love music. We love study. We love the sacraments. We love people. Most of all, we love Jesus! Some of the ways we experience that love is through our music ministry of Choir and Mary Bells Handbell Choir, Centering Prayer, Healing Prayer Team, and The Royal Order of the Daughters of the King.
St. Boniface enjoys many talented musicians, vocal as well as instrumental. Musical gifts are encouraged and you are invited to speak to our ministry leaders. We have a great worship choir, talented instrumentalists who accompany the choir, and the Mary Bells Hand Bell Choir.
Centering Prayer, Healing Prayer, and Daughters of the King (DoK) are prayer groups, each with a different focus. DoK is a women's prayer, study, and service sisterhood; Centering Prayer welcomes all; CP is a wonderful way to open one's self to the leading of the Spirit, while Healing Prayer Team is a group called to learn about the gifts of praying for others. We also have the Soul Stitchers who make prayer shawls and hand projects for other benevolent groups.
As a church family grounded in the traditional Christian sacraments, there are always openings for positions during service times, i.e., lay readers, acolytes, Eucharistic ministers, altar guild. If you feel called to serve during service times, you may speak to the office.
"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." I Corinthians 12:12
You are welcome here, friend!