join us on Sundays 

11:00 a.m. --   IN the  sanctuary

116 HIGHWAY 87 N., COMFORT, TX  78013



Meet our new priest & His wife

Rev. Patrick & Kay Gahan

Mask Notice: We have masks at each entrance to our church facility. we currently ask those who have not been vaccinated for covid-19 to mask.   we always want you to be comfortable; if you are more at ease wearing a mask, please feel free to do so.                        

Thanks for stopping by our website to take a peek. Feel free to stop by on any Sunday morning at 11am. We are hoping you will find us to be the friendliest place to worship in the Texas Hill Country. Comfort is a town where you can settle in with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and chat with the locals as well as visitors.

St. Boniface is all about turning strangers into friends and offering a loving space for those seeking genuine warmth, ready smiles, and the peace of Christ. 

Christianity at its BEST!